What is Reiki?
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
- Mark Twain
Reiki is an original method of energy healing therapy, and a spiritual practice, that can activate your body’s natural healing process, restoring your balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Best translated Rei means Spirit, Divine, or Source. Ki means Universal Energy, Universal Life-force, or simply Energy.
The practice of Reiki was developed by our founder Mikao Usui in Japan in the 1920's.
During a treatment the practitioner finds a deep awareness of reiki through meditation. Both you and the practitioner share this experience as if walking together hand in hand. The treatment can provide a deep relaxation which allows the body time to heal and rejuvenate.
Reiki treatments may be able to help with numerous mental, physical, and emotional conditions including, but not limited to depression and anxiety, it may be able to help reduce stress, improve sleep, promote relaxation, boost the immune system, and speed up recovery from illness and injury.
Everyone is unique, and therefore their experience will be different. Each time you have a treatment the experience will be unique, because you will have different things going on. Just know that you will receive what you need at the time.
Reiki treatments can be either hands on or hands off healing, both treatment types are equally effective, it comes down to how the practitioner works and your own personal preference.
You may see colours, you may feel hot or cold. You may experience tingling. You may experience none of the above sensations, you may just feel relaxed. But know that all and nothing is OK. You are unique and you are experiencing your own unique treatment.
The best way to truly know what a reiki treatment is, is to simply come and try it.
Thank you.
For in person or distance reiki treatments you can schedule an appointment here
You can sign up to the Brooks Usui Reiki monthly newsletter here.