Guided meditation for reducing anxiety
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
- Mark Twain
This is a guided meditation to help if you are suffering with anxiety.
Find yourself a quiet, peaceful space, where you will not be disturbed for the following 8 minutes 44 seconds.
Click the link for the recording and just follow my voice - Meditation Link
Make sure you are comfortable and warm, either laying down, or sitting upright.
Allow your eyes to close.
Take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly, and make the exhale longer.
Inhale. And exhale.
With each inhale, feel yourself melt a little more into your comfortable position. And with each exhale, imagine letting go of any tension and anxiety you have been holding onto.
Now bring your awareness into your body. Without any judgement, observe how your body is feeling in this moment. Can you feel areas of tension or stress? Imagine sending your breath down into these areas, filling the space with calming inhales, and exhales that allow the tensions to simply melt away.
Imagine roots extending from your spine, spreading, and growing deep down into the earth. You feel supported, and grounded by these strong, nourishing roots, that provide safety and comfort.
Now bringing your awareness to your breath. Without changing anything, observe the natural rhythm of your breath, by following the sensation as it enters and leaves your nostrils. Feel the coolness of the inhale and the warmth of the exhale. Sit with this sensation for a few moments.
If your mind wonders, know that it is okay. Try counting your inhales up to ten, and then start again from one.
Now slowly bring your awareness back into your body. Notice how your body is feeling now. Observe any areas of tension and stress remaining. Imagine your breath flowing down into these areas, filling the space with relaxing and releasing breaths, melting the tension away with each exhale.
Now visualise a place where you feel completely relaxed and at peace. A place that brings you calm, clarity, and freedom. Imagine yourself there, soaking up the environment with all your senses.
Now repeat after me:
I am calm
I have clarity
I have freedom
On your next inhale feel these words fill your entire being. And as you exhale allow any anxiety to wash away.
Now gently bring your awareness back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and your toes. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, and thank yourself for taking the time to pause today.
Thank you.
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