Reiki self treatment - out of reach.
When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.
- William Shakespeare
During reiki treatments and self treatments, you can find yourself going so deeply into the mediative state that it is hard to recall what you experienced or that you were there for any time at all.
All of this is wonderful, it simply means that you received exactly what you needed at the time, and it took you into a deep healing and nourishing state.
Length: 20 minutes
I felt that was a very deep and intense self treatment. I recall my hands were positioned either at my crown or my heart the entire time as the energy was so strong there.
At one point I remember being in a cave, right up against the wall, looking at the texture.
I also remember seeing my heart. It was like I was tiny, possibly inside my own body, standing behind my heart, watching it beating. I thought about when I used to smoke, and the edges turned blackened.
Trying to recall the session is hard today. It is almost like it was a dream, and with each passing second they fade, and the more I try to recall the harder it becomes.
I feel like there was a strong realisation when I was in the cave, but I cannot grasp the memory. I believe that this is something I am not ready to accept, and therefore it will remain out of my reach until I am.