Guided meditation for gratitude.
She was beautiful, but not like those girls in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul. She is beautiful.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Enjoy this 6.5 minute guided meditation. Find yourself a quiet spot and allow yourself this time.
Follow this link for the recording so you can sit or lay back and just follow to my voice - Meditation Link
Make sure you are comfortable, either sitting, or laying down and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in, and let it all out with a sigh.
Take a deep breath in, and let it all out with a sigh.
Again take a deep breath in, and let it all out with a sigh.
Scan your body and observe any tensions you have. Imagine guiding the breath down into these tensions. Imagine the breath easing and creating space, allowing the tension and stresses to lessen and simply melt away.
Now allow yourself to breathe naturally, bring your awareness to the gentle rise and fall of your belly.
Allow your mind to rest on the flow of that rise and fall, knowing that by following the breath, you are allowing yourself to be present. Immerse yourself in the rhythm of your breath.
If you find yourself drifting in thought, acknowledge that thought, then let it go, and bring yourself back to the breath.
Now bring to the front of your mind, something that you are grateful for and truly nourishes you, be it a warm summers days, when the rays stream down from the sky and leave sunshine kisses on your face. Be it a sparkling ocean, with waves lapping on the shore and the salty sea breeze. Be it a crackling fire, licking flames of warmth and vibrance. Whatever nourishes you, bring that scene forward into your mind and allow yourself to rest here, see it clearly and feel the warmth encompassing you.
Now allow yourself to acknowledge how it makes you feel to be held in this magical moment of complete peace, and serenity.
Feel the gratitude within you for these simple moments of pure abundance and pleasure. Take that growing, glowing gratitude and send it outwards feeling its energy vibrant with the strength and the power that comes from within you.
Now allow yourself to come back to the breath. Again notice the rise and fall of your belly.
Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes.
Open your eyes, feeling full of gratitude that you can carry with you into your day, and week.
Thank you.
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