I never said healing was easy.
Children show scars like medals.
Lovers use them as secrets to reveal.
A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.
- Leonard Cohen
I never said that a healing journey would be easy, and I don’t think anyone has ever suggested that it could be.
A healing journey can be sought for many reasons, including past trauma, a disconnection to self or others, the search for growth.
The one thing that can be guaranteed, is that the journey will allow you to get to know yourself and understand your needs, but it will not be easy.
To heal we need to allow and accept who we are, that includes the light and confronting the dark. We all have past experiences that we wish we could erase, but these experiences are a part of our journey, and they have made us who we are today. Without those experiences, there would have been a lost learning, like a missing chapter in a book.
Our traumas are there for us to learn from, and once the lesson is learnt, we can use our experience to relate to, or share with others for their own learning. Although, everyone has their own personal learning, and experiences can be shared, but the journey most always be travelled individually for the lesson to be learnt.
A healing journey will mean growth, and a need to leave behind what no longer serves you, or is unwilling to grow with you. If this means a lost relationship, it can be hard to accept and to let go, but the biggest suffering is caused by not knowing when to let go, and by holding on for too long.
One thing to remember whatever stage you are at, you are the hero in your own life. This is your life story. The journey is your choice, and however difficult and conflicting the choice may seem, there is always a choice. Most of the time it is the harder choice that leads you to the most rewarding outcome.
It takes courage and faith to heal yourself, and the road in never easy or certain, but by making a hard choice, and taking time to heal yourself and become whole, will open up new opportunities that will make you wish you had listened to your own needs earlier.
Thank you.
If you have any thoughts please let me know in the comments below.
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