Reiki self treatment - is someone here?
It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.
- John Joseph Powell
Here is another reiki self treatment from back in 2020, I noticed that being in caves was a regular occurrence for me back then, and when things have repetition, it is normally someone trying to tell you something! So I looked up what caves symbolise and I think it hit the nail on the head -
“Caves can be a symbol of creation, the place of emergence of celestial bodies. It is the great womb of earth and sky, a symbol of life, but also of death.”
“A cave can be a place of healing and recovery. You may also go into a cave if you need time to think deeply or to connect with your deeper self. Descending into a cave if you are seeking to express your most authentic self.”
Here is the self treatment as written after the session.
Length: 20 mins
So much heat pumping from my hands it felt like they were vibrating. Then the sensation of heat subsided as my hands seemed to turn to water, it felt like they were no longer solid.
Bright brilliant white colours, swirling into yellows and purples, it seems like they are dancing and flowing in and out.
I am suddenly moving backwards, through a cave, I can feel the chill from the dampened walls, causing my arms to goose pimp.
I see doves, and I am looking skywards at them. Thinking of love and freedom, and suddenly I feel like there is someone here with me. The presence brings a calm, and I feel safe.
At this point the chime sounded to end the self treatment.
It was a powerful session, and after I took a few moments to ground myself and reflect.
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