Guided meditation for focus.
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.
- Osho
This guided meditation is to help you find some focus and clarity for days that can seem endlessly busy, and your attention is pulled in several different directions, and distractions can be overwhelming.
Start by finding a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed for the following 9.30 minutes.
Click the link for the recording and just follow my voice - Meditation Link
Sit down, either on a chair, or on the floor, and make yourself comfortable.
Sit up tall, imagine there is a thread at the top of your crown, that is being pulled skywards, allowing your spin to lengthen, and your head to tilt slightly upwards. Circle your shoulders up and around, and pull them down, creating space away from your ears.
Allow your hands to sit comfortably in your lap, and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in, hold at the top, and let it all out. Taken another deep breath in, hold at the top, and let it all out with a sigh. Taken another deep breath in, hold at the top, and let it all go with a sigh.
Now allow the natural rhythm of your breath to roll steadily through your body, and bring your awareness to this rhythm. Count each inhale from 1, exhale, 2, exhale, 3, exhale, 4, exhale, 5, exhale, 6, exhale, 7, exhale, 8, exhale, 9, exhale, 10, exhale, and start over from 1.
If you notice your mind wondering, don’t judge, just let it be, it is natural for thoughts to come up, just allow them to float by, try not to attach any meaning to them, and bring your awareness back to the breath, and start the inhale count from 1, exhale, 2, exhale, 3, exhale, 4, exhale, 5, exhale, 6, exhale, 7, exhale, 8, exhale, 9, exhale, 10, exhale, and start over from 1.
Following the flow of your natural breath will increase your focus, and the more you practice this meditation, the less you will find your mind wondering.
Continue to bring your focus back to your breath count. 1, exhale, 2, exhale, 3, exhale, 4, exhale, 5, exhale, 6, exhale, 7, exhale, 8, exhale, 9, exhale, 10, exhale, and start over from 1.
If you find your mind wonders throughout, know that it is okay, just bring your awareness back to the breath, and keep going. The more you practice the stronger your focus will become.
1, exhale, 2, exhale, 3, exhale, 4, exhale, 5, exhale, 6, exhale, 7, exhale, 8, exhale, 9, exhale, 10, exhale, and start over from 1.
I will leave you for the remaining few minutes to count the inhales to 10.
Now bring your awareness to your body, start to wiggle your fingers and your toes. Roll your shoulders up, back and down.
When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. Bring your hands to prayer in front of your heart, and thank yourself for taking the time today to allow your mind to focus.
Thank you.
I hope this guided meditation was helpful, please drop me a like or comment below.
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