I don't mind. You decide.


When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons.

- Sigmund Freud

Why do I have to decide? Do you ever find yourself thinking, or saying this?

Indecision is a struggle I often face. Whether it is what to watch on TV, where we should go on our next walk, or something life changing, like a career path.

There can be many reasons for indecisiveness. What if I make the wrong choice? Am I overthinking everything to the point I become paralysed in the art of making a decision? Am I people pleasing? Am I looking for someone to rescue me and make the decision for me? Is it a lack of confidence in my ability to make a choice? Is it a mix of all of the above, in which caseā€¦god help me!

All the choice out there can also be overwhelming and lead to an inability to master decisiveness. What if there is something better?

Being indecisive can affect us on both a personal and professional level. It can lead to missed opportunities, and feeling of frustration.

Trust in yourself, your gut reactions. Your personal compass is your best guide. That heart flutter, that tingle, that pull in your gut. Whatever feeling you get when your intuition is trying to offer guidance is not to be ignored. Know in your heart that there is no perfect decision. There is just the ability to look at the evidence in front of you and leap.

In making mistakes we learn and grow.

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