Feeling Stuck?


Every choice in life either moves you forward or keeps you stuck.

- Oprah Winfrey

I am sure we can all relate to feelings of frustration. It can stem from something as simple as not getting our own way. To more complex and emotionally draining setback to our personal development and achievements.

But how are you quantifying and qualifying these frustrations? Are you stuck in the eternal comparison zone? They have… why don’t I? How about flipping this narrative so there is a positive impact? If they have achieved… it is possible. Therefore let me use this as inspiration to implement steps to help me achieve this goal.

Are you having a pity party? Oh poor me. Why is it always me? Can you flip this victim mentality to push yourself to find a solution that will eventually help you learn develop and grow?

It can feel uncomfortable to sit in frustration and ask yourself the hard questions that you may have been avoiding. But if you allow yourself to be with the feeling. To acknowledge and eventually accept what is causing the frustration and truly look at how it is affecting you. Ask yourself what can this teach me? How can I learn from this? If the situation is overwhelming, can you break it down?

Frustration is an inevitable part of life. But we don’t have to drown in the negative spiral that can rear its ugly head. Use your frustrations to seek understanding and growth. Knowledge, understanding and acceptance can release your potential for greatness.

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