Great expectations


I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.

- Bruce Lee

Why do we set people up to fail?

Do you have that relationship where you always feel let down? That person that never quite lives up to what you expect?

They are normally people that you have known forever. The disappointment and hurt is deeply embedded, because there is a historical pattern within your relationship with them.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if that person always lets you down, why do you expect them to change? Or why do you keep asking for the thing that they can’t offer you?

Another question to ask is does this person know how you are feeling? Or is this harboured resentment something that they are oblivious to?

Have you ever asked yourself honestly, am I setting this person up to fail because of who I want them to be, rather than accepting them for who they actually are?

Does the pain lessen if you stop expecting and start allowing people to just be?

Personal development and growth is a wonderful thing. But it is also a choice. Sometimes acceptance is the road to less struggle.

To start your healing journey with in person or distance reiki treatments you can schedule an appointment here

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