Not mine.
In the end,
Only three things matter:
How much you loved,
How gently you lived,
And how gracefully you let go of the things not meant for you.
- Buddha
One thing I would like to share, because it helped me immensely, is to recognise what is not yours.
When I visited my Reiki Master for the first time, she told me I was an empath. The definition of an empath is - a person with the ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual. This is something I consider to be a gift. However, it does mean that it can be hard to distinguish between what is mine and what is not.
What do I mean by that?
If people come to you with situations they would like your advice on, or even just someone to listen to their circumstances, it can be hard to distinguish between what is theirs and what does not serve you. It is important to understand what is for you, and deserves your attention after the fact, so you do not end up carrying around what doesn’t belong to you. It is a form of protection, and intuition will help you with this. Trust yourself, and your intuition. It is one thing to help and listen, it is another to take on someone’s situation as your own.