Guided meditation for protection.
He said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”
- Dalai Lama
Before I left my first Reiki session, my Reiki Master gave me a tool for protection against external noise and forces and energies that do not service me.
If you have 5-10 mins, and I am guessing you do, because you are taking the time to read this, then maybe you can join me? I’ll guide you through it, as she did me. Hand in hand, just like I said.
If you would prefer to listen to this meditation, just follow this Guide Meditation link. You can find this beautiful playlist I was listening to called Reiki Healing in Spotify here Music Link.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through the nose counting to 4, then breath out through the mouth counting to 4.
In through the nose for a count of 4, out through the mouth for a count of 4.
In through the nose counting to 4, out through the mouth counting to 4.
Let your shoulders relax down, let the space between your eyebrows relax. Let your jaw relax. Let it all go and just breath naturally. You are calm, you are safe.
Now as you breath in, imagine a ball of light in the centre of your chest. As you breath out the light grows brighter. As you breath in the light grows, it spreads across your chest and up your neck. Warm, bright, safe, delicious liquid light. As you breath out the light glows stronger, and as you breath in the light spreads up past your mouth, filling the back of your eyes and reaches the top of your head, your entire head is filled with calming, warming, relaxing light.
As it rose up, it now pushes along your shoulders, and down your arms, filling your arms until it reaches the tips of your fingers. It spreads down, filling your torso, your groin, flowing down into your legs, until it reaches your feet and pours into your toes filling them to the tips.
Your entire body is glowing, filled from head to toe with warm, calming, relaxing, liquid light that is flowing and pouring through you.
The light is so strong it flows from your body and expands beyond, filling and surrounding you in a bubble of warm, safe, protective, light.
Now seal your bubble. Simply say “Seal” and know that nothing can pernitrate your bubble. Nothing that doesn’t serve you can get inside your bubble.
You are safe, you are calm, you are warm, you are relaxed.
You can take your bubble wherever you go, and use it whenever you need.