Guided meditation for letting go.
She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see, except standing there, leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.
- J.D. Salinger
I hope you enjoy this 7 minute guided meditation. All you need is a quiet space and an intention to let go.
Follow this link for the recording so you can sit and just follow to my voice - Meditation Link
Make sure you are sitting comfortably, and close your eyes. Rest your hands on your legs with your palms facing up if that is comfortable for you.
Grow tall by allowing your body to lengthen from the base of your spin to the top of your head.
Take a moment to scan the body from head to toe, noticing any sensations, or tensions you may be holding.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Take a deep inhale, and let it all out with a sigh.
Again, take a deep inhale and let it all out with a sigh.
This time as you inhale, raise your shoulders up to your ears and as you exhale allow them to drop down creating space and length in your neck.
Deep inhale and let it all out with a sign.
Allow your breathing to now fall into its natural rhythm, bring your awareness to that rhythm.
Notice whether the rise and fall is in your chest. Or is it in your stomach? is your breathing shallow? Or is it deep? Follow the gentle rhythmic motion wherever, and however it may be.
Take a few moments to settle into this natural flow.
Bring your awareness to your nose, as you naturally inhale, notice that the air is cooling, and as you exhale, notice how the air becomes warm. Imagine as you inhale with that cooling sensation, that you are receiving whatever you need for your highest good. Be it love, courage, healing, protection, grounding. Bring forward into your mind, whatever you would like to receive, and as you exhale with that warming sensation that you are releasing and letting go of anything that no longer serves you. Be it anger, anxiety, sadness. Imagine those feelings and emotions that have restricted you just leaving your body and melting away.
Bring your awareness back to the breathe. On each inhale and rise feel a calm wash over you, like the waves gently lapping on the shore. And with each exhale and fall feel the strength within you growing.
Know that with each breath you are receiving everything you need, and with each exhale you are letting go of any tensions.
Imagine the feeling of the sun on your face, and the warmth enveloping you, and allow a feeling of gratitude to fill you.
On your next inhale, feel nourished and warm and calm, and on your exhale, feel at peace.
Thank yourself for allowing this time today to honour your body, mind and soul.
Thank you.