Be satisfied.
And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.
- John Muir
As we transition into the New Year, you may have found solace in the 'in-between' Christmas period. You may have reflected, making resolutions, and setting goals. You may take stock of the past year, looking at lessons learnt, embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. If you are someone that reflects in this way, do it with the kindness and compassion you would offer to others.
In your reflections, look for the positive changes that have already occurred because of the seeds you planted last year.
Consider what is truly important to you, and how you invested your time into this. Are you feeling a little healthier? Did you find more patience and compassion? Did you make a decision that challenged you? Did you meditate for 3 minutes everyday? It doesn’t have to be life changing, but something simple could change your life.
If you look back and there was something you wanted to achieve and haven’t, maybe you can try again. Maybe you realise it was unrealistic. Maybe you found your focus fell on something unexpected. That’s okay. Life has a habit of throwing curveballs at us all the time. We adjust. We move. Allow yourself peace in the fact that you know what your goals were. Find acceptance in knowing you can either pick them back up, or you can simply transform them into something that better serves you.
Wherever you find yourself as we enter this new year, know it is a new start. So if it is time for change, make the change. If it is time to let go, let go. If it is time to speak up, say it. And above all, let kindness be your constant. To yourself, and to others. Happy New year x.
Remember, we don’t need to be in the same room for you receive reiki, distance reiki works exactly the same as in person reiki. Click here to view me explaining what distance reiki is. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote on distance reiki.
For in person or distance reiki treatments you can schedule an appointment here
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