Are you holding yourself back?
Not all those who wonder are lost.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Do you ever stop to consider that you might be the one holding yourself back? The situation although not what you expected is after all, familiar and comfortable.
The job you are in. You are not feeling challenged. Personal development is not happening. But it is what you know, right? Your relationship. You have grown. But there is a niggle there. They are holding you back. But is it easier than having the conversation, right? The life long friend. Things that used to make you laugh are now making you cringe inside. But you have known them forever, right? That dream of starting your own business. It’s easier to stay where there is security. If I don’t put myself out there, I can’t fail, right?
We all have situations were there is a fork in our road. Often leading to choice between the familiar and the unknown. But familiarity, although comforting and seemly safe, can just leave you feeling stagnant and resentful. It can be excruciating to let go, but it is in the release that we find strength, growth and new beginnings. Holding on can often mean clipping our own wings so that we cannot fly. If can be frightening to leap into the unfamiliar, but that is where you will find who you are supposed to be. Because you have given yourself the chance that you deserve to have.
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