Work to a plan not a feeling.
Start over, my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself to the way you were always meant to.
- Madelyn Beck
Have you ever felt like you just don’t have the energy? The motivation is gone. You just can’t get enthusiastic, or you simply don’t want to? I know I have.
Everything seems like a challenge, even the small things that you can normally get on with, seem impossible. What makes it feel worse, is that little voice in your head telling you that you should be able to just do it.
The thing is, when you start to feel this way, telling yourself you just need to get on with it, is not a kind way to talk to yourself. Your mind and body are trying to tell you that at this moment in time, it is not that simple. You need a little compassion and understanding for yourself, as you may naturally gift this to a family member or friend who may be suffering, you need to be able to gift time and space to yourself.
If we start with something that is simple, like making the bed, when you are feeling really low, you might not even feel like getting out of bed, so the thought of getting up and making the bed, is just another task to add to an already overwhelming beginning of your day.
How do you ‘feel’ about making the bed? You might feel unmotivated, see it as pointless. It might feel overwhelming. These are all valid feelings when you are low in mood. What if we shifted this so you are not working to a feeling, but instead you are working to a plan? You are standing at the side of your bed and looking down at the dishevelled sheets allowing your mind to storm with all the feelings and emotions that make you not want to. Your bed looks the way you feel inside, so why bother? Instead of allowing these feelings to rage and torment you, what if you plan to get out of bed? Once you have done that, what if you plan to make your bed? If you work to a plan you are giving yourself focus and clarity, you know what you need to do to complete this task, and you can clearly see when it is done. If you work to a feeling you are allowing room to spiral.
When you are feeling really low, try to remenber that these feelings will pass. In a years time, your circumstances and situation will be completely different. So why not try something different? Work to a plan, not a feeling. You can work to a feeling once you remember the motivation you felt after you completed your plan. You made your bed! Amazing, you now have a made bed to climb into at the end of your day. That way, each day it might just get a little easier.