Guided meditation to elevate your mood
This is a guided meditation to help elevate your mood if you are feeling low.
Just click this link and follow my voice. Find yourself a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
Make yourself comfortable either sitting or laying down.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Bring yourself into your body, notice how your breath travels through your body as you inhale and exhale.
With each exhale allow yourself to melt a little more into relaxation. Feel yourself loosening any tension you were holding. Letting go of any stress.
Now bring your attention to your heart. Place a hand over your heart if that feels relaxing for you. Feel the rhythm of the beat of your heart against the palm of your hand. And listen to the beat within your body. Stay with this beat for a few moments.
Now, think of something you are grateful for. It could be a walk on a fresh crisp autumn morning. A smile from a stranger. The sun kissing your face. Seeing your first robin of winter. Imagine your corners of your lips spreading into a smile. Think about how this makes you feel inside. Allow the sensation of warmth to be uplifting, to fill your heart.
Do these moments make you feel positive, joyful, calm, hopeful? Hold on to this feeling at your heart, as if it were a ball of light. Imagine it slowly growing over your chest. Spreading up your neck and down over your belly. Illuminating your entire body with healing, nourishing and rejuvenating energy.
As this beautiful ball of light continues to grow, flowing through you, it leaves no room for negativity. pushing everything that no longer serves you away, until it dissolves to nothing. Leaving you feeling lighter, calmer, feeling a sense of freedom.
Take this moment to offer yourself compassion. Be kind to yourself. Recognise that you are doing your best, and embrace this realisation. Allowing yourself love and understanding.
Bring your awareness back to your breath. Notice your inhales and exhales. Makes each inhale and exhale so deep and long that you are realising any stagnant air out and away.
Slowly bring your awareness back to your body. Wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are ready, open your eyes.
Thank you.
Please know that these mediations are free for you to return back to at anytime. If you found this guided meditation helpful, please drop me a like or comment below.
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